about margot

I live in a…. crazy house. 

I am very happily married with two kids, 2 betta fish and a black lab.  My husband and I each work full-time – and that is where things can sometimes go off the rails.  We both love what we do, our kids, our careers and our family.  Thankfully, we are also lucky, because we have the help of my parents – not just part-time help, or live around the corner help – I am talking full-time help, because my parents share our home  (the crazy part!) – yes, you read that correctly, they live in the same house as we do.

Everyone who has kids can appreciate the lunacy of life when those little ones are 5 and 7 – add in a 68 and 78-year-old and we are talking a whole new ball game.  About managing the kids’ schedules – soccer, swimming, ballet, etc – well, toss in my parents’ vacations to see other grandkids and my 2 brothers, doctor’s appointments, early bedtimes, early getting up times, their activities, and there is ALWAYS something going on.

I live in a crazy house.  Is it any wonder, then, that every once in a blue moon,  I dream about my old beachfront studio apartment, with its hydrangea blue walls, teensy-tiny bathroom and dorm-sized fridge where I lived when I was single, before husband and kids, before the madness of my life?

This blog is not only about the craziness my life, but also the joy of sharing that craziness with my parents.  We are a multigenerational family – my parents, my husband, and my kids – all living together.  Yes, we fight, yes, there are days when I think I was “round the bend” for doing this, yes there are days when I long for nothing more than just….solitude.  But those days are few and far between – because the craziness of my life is actually a hell of a lot of fun.

One response to this post.

  1. Posted by Tara Voorhs on October 14, 2010 at 11:57 am

    this is brilliant…you go Maggie!!
    Xo, Xo…T.


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