Posts Tagged ‘National Ice Cream Month’

A scoop of multigenerational vegging – with a side of ice cream

by Kanesha

House full of people today. A tremendous amount of food.  Super loud and super sweet family fun.

Roll Call


Grandma (my mom)

Grandpa (my stepdad)

2 aunts (my mom’s sisters)

My daughter

My son

4 cousins

1 new boyfriend of my cousin (super cute and super brave)

Now…11:25 p.m. (EST)

Stepdad is in the man cave.

Son is asleep.

Daughter is having a sleepover with two cousins. They are still awake, pumped full of sugar, and over the moon to be reunited.

I am helping my mom “clean off” the DVR as it’s 97% full with *stuff she’s recorded and my stepdad ain’t having it.

I was thinking we needed a snack for all this DVR watching…something like wine, cheese, and maybe some olives.

My mom suggested ice cream (11:25pm!!), and hey, it’s vacation. Bring on the ice cream, mom!!!


Yes, that one dish is for me and it is National Ice Cream Month! Hmmm…

I scream - you scream...

I wonder if she’ll check to see if I have brushed my teeth before I go to bed tonight!

*Dr. Oz, Oprah, Real Housewives of [insert location], CNN stuff, Larry King Live…and much much more.